John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
This is not Heaven. I mean that we are here for a short season. There will be thorns in our flesh. There will be things poking us; there will be things disappointing us. Now, if you are seeking to have Heaven here - no thorns in your flesh, no problems poking you and no disappointments coming to your life, then you are thinking and working against what the Bible says in the Book of John 16:33, that in this world, you will have trouble.

That you choose to serve the Lord in truth and faith does not mean that you will not encounter troubles or trials but the Lord promises to see you through. God has given you enough grace for whatever you face in this visible world. Keep your solid front; keep going to your destination, despite snow and rain.
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, let Your peace reign in every department of my life that is troubled, in Jesus’ name.