“How on earth would I weather the storm of these educational challenges”, he had thought to himself. With the number of candidates involved and with the very stringent selection process, Mr. Vengai Mukwena knew that he was indeed embarking on a mission to crack a hard nut. The Master’s scholarship in Japan which he had applied for had spaces for only 15 candidates even though 3000 of them sent in applications. His chances of making it through, to the carnal minded, would be zero but in his heart, there was a great ray of hope.


After completing the application form he had downloaded online, he ministered the Morning Water on it by faith through the screen of his computer and submitted it. He was overwhelmed by joy when the results showed that he was among the 15 lucky ones. He was thereafter granted the scholarship and travelled to Japan to commence the programme. Meanwhile, he had quietly wished that his family come over with him and had continued to pray over it while ministering the Morning Water in Jesus’ name. Out of miraculous providence, a financial breakthrough located him and ensured that his family joined him in Japan. Having completed his programme, the result was even a bigger miracle. He got 21 distinctions from the 21 courses that made up the Master’s programme. What seemed totally impossible with man has been made easily possible by God. With a Master’s degree in International Public Policy, Mr. Mukwena is full of gratitude to God for the reshaping of his destiny.


That demonic voice called out to her, urging her, “eat… it is good for you… eat for you shall derive some good satisfaction from it”. Miss Kuagbenu tried to wave aside the invitation but each time she tried, it was as if her appetite was already magnetised by some unknown forces to do the bidding of that evil voice. Before she could gather herself together to fathom the reality unfolding around her, she had found herself eating clay soil with incurable passion. Her appetite for the strange delicacy became a family embarrassment as she became deeply addicted to it. Even when her mother resorted to pouring urine on the clay soil in order to prevent her from eating it, she would patiently wait for the urine to evaporate before she pounces on the earth pie.

In the process of this unwholesome habit, she had been rushed to hospital on several occasions and had suffered anaemia. She also succumbed to the spirit of bedwetting. For ten long years, her life was a mess. Concerned and hopeful on God, her brother who had been following the sad trajectory of her life, gave her the Morning Water. On ministering the Morning Water in Jesus’ name, the addiction to eating clay soil and the spirit of bed-wetting vanished instantaneously. Thanking God for her deliverance, Miss Kuagbenu’s sister told the congregation that her sister had refused to go to the boarding school in order to avoid the embarrassment of bed-wetting. She thanked God for the freedom and peace of mind He has brought into her life today.

Every direction she turned to was greeted with the grim realities of failure and setback. All the time and energy she had invested into different businesses all amounted to nothing. Not even her sojourn in far away Netherlands could place her above board in an age when most Africans seek greener pastures abroad. Now faced with a huge debt profile and a gradual decline in self-esteem, Mrs Success needed all the help she could muster. But it was obvious she needed more than human assistance. Through a friend, she got to know the Emmanuel TV channel and installed the cable in her house. She would wake up and pray with the man of God via the channel.

On one occasion, she witnessed the testimony of someone who was delivered from a case similar to hers through the Morning Water medium and made up her mind to get the Morning Water for herself. Immediately she got the Morning Water, she ministered it in humility calling on God to help her out of her situation. After ministering the Morning Water things began to change. She started a new business known as Emmanuel Consultancy and declared God as the CEO. Even though it was a business dominated by men, she was able to make a lot of success and breakthrough from it. Today, she boasts of so many customers, financial uplifting and a brand new Mercedes Benz car. Thanking God for turning her life around, Mrs Success urged Christians to trust in God at all times.

For 10 years, it was a marriage gone sour for the couple as they daily engaged in quarrels and counter-accusations. The bone of contention is that the cry of a child is far from being heard in the family. The doctors on their part had diagnosed the wife with poor ovulation and ceased menstruation while the husband was diagnosed with low sperm count. In the midst of their travails, Mrs Idowu dreamt one night of two men who came to empty her womb of the eggs that should have developed into a child. On waking up and visiting her doctor, it was discovered that her condition had degenerated from poor to no ovulation.

Having been introduced to Emmanuel TV through which they prayed alongside the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, Mrs Idowu had another dream in which the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked her why she was crying and then went on to tell her that she was going to have a baby boy. The man of God also revealed to her that if she had had a child 10 years ago as she had wished, the baby would have come with spina bifida. After relaying the dream to her husband, they decided to visit The SCOAN to receive the Morning Water which they ministered together as husband and wife.

Mrs Idowu had yet another dream in which she saw a baby. As she bathed the baby, a song came to her mind – “when the battle is over, I shall wear the crown…” Shortly after that dream, Mrs Idowu soon discovered she was pregnant and has since been delivered of a bouncing baby boy named Emmanuel Temitopeoluwa Chinyere. Filled with joy and unquantifiable gratitude to God, Mr Idowu revealed how unbelieving he had been to the extent of trying to discourage his wife from watching Emmanuel TV. One fateful day, he decided to join his wife to watch Emmanuel TV and he saw how people were being delivered from problems similar to the one they had been facing. He then realised what he had been missing all along by refusing to watch Emmanuel TV. He is so much grateful to God Almighty for this gift of a baby. Aside from the blessing of a baby, they were also blessed with a brand new car.

Mr. Henry Osabor from Delta state, Nigeria was doing well in his banking job until the unfortunate hands of life dealt him a deadly blow. He was asked to resign from the job and was told to pay a debt of 600,000 Naira which he was said to owe the bank. One Sunday, still dejected by the situation, he was travelling in a bus when he heard that The SCOAN was located nearby. He asked for direction and was duly directed. He arrived at The SCOAN with the intention of seeing the man of God but instead of that happening, he was absorbed by a voice which ministered a Scripture to him: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Encouraged by the development, he was convinced that the Holy Spirit would locate him wherever he was seated. He was eventually at the Prayer Line where he received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua in Jesus’ name and afterwards received the Morning Water and the Good Morning Sticker. After ministering them in Jesus’ name, the unlikely began to unfold. First, the bank that asked him to resign called him back and apologised with a huge monetary compensation even as the purported debt was cancelled. On his plans to relocate, he had applied for a US visa as well as a Canadian visa. To God be the glory, he was granted a two year multiple entry visa to the US and permanent resident visa to Canada. What a mighty God we serve!
