It was not “just another Sunday Service” at The SCOAN; for many, it was a life changing encounter that broke the uncanny silence of the enemy, unlocked hidden destinies and unravelled mysteries. The undeniable, incontestable power and wisdom of God witnessed by the congregation and viewers worldwide held no bounds. Following faith building testimonies, Prophet T.B. Joshua’s message, READ THE BIBLE, READ THE HOLY SPIRIT, tugged at the hearts of all who were willing to receive it and with a promise of God attached, “The message is going to terminate every spiritual weakness in you”, who could withhold their ears from hearing what the Spirit of God had to say to the Church.

At the beginning of his message, Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “We are overwhelmed by many things, by many distractions. Jesus needs your heart; that is a place of contact. Many spirits are in bondage – bondage of unforgiveness, anger, hatred, bitterness, just name it.” He encouraged all hearts that were in bondage to pray along with him, “Oh Holy Spirit, free my spirit to follow You” adding, that this is the easier way to invite Jesus into your heart.

Talking on the need to have a free spirit, he said, “If your spirit is not free, you cannot follow Jesus. A free spirit attracts Him”. Using 2 Peter 1: 20-21 as his proof text, he said, “The Bible itself is the letter inspired by the Spirit of God. When you are reading the Bible, you are reading the Holy Spirit. As the Lord breathed His Spirit into certain men, so He breathed His Spirit into certain Books. The Holy Spirit is the most sensitive of beings and is easily hurt by lack of attention and regard. We pray, we read the Bible without any regard and attention to the Spirit of God. We do not place Him where He rightly belongs, knowing how important He is to us and God.” The man of God continued, “Before reading the Bible, we need to seek the attention of the Holy Spirit because the Bible is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit. You cannot use it without the Holy Spirit.”

When the question posed by the man of God, “WHY DOES THE BIBLE NOT COME ALIVE TO SOME OF US?” he explained that the Bible can no longer come alive because of the bad feelings we have towards others. To ‘come alive’ means to understand and know what it is to read – for salvation, deliverance and all of God’s blessings. If you hold grudges against your neighbour, you should not be surprised if the Bible makes no meaning to you. You are just reading literature, events.

He advised all to read the Bible as often as possible and to keep meditating on it until it becomes a reality. He said, “You may not understand it at first when you read. It’s not like any other book. Read it slowly, attentively and repeatedly. Even though your reason may reject it, let your heart crave for it”.

Following are some of the testimonies shared during the course of the service…
