by Nicole Shirley

T.D. Jakes 

I just love world reknowned Bishop, TD Jakes. He has an unmatched method of capturing the attention of many. The lisped American minister amazing style of delivering sermons usually leaves listeners motivated, inspired and in stitches.

In a TV interview recently speaking about his latest movie, ‘Over the Broom’ he said spiritual people need to chill out. Such a statement coming from one who spends a lot of time at the pulpit no doubt tickled the interviewer Soledad O’brien and her co-workers.

I am sure this statement made many christians ‘mad’. But the truth is, the Bishop is perfectly right.

Some people live as if they are 100percent spirit.

Recently I asked a fellow christian if we were meant to speak about Jesus 24/7’s how does a man find time for his wife. Does he whisper Jesus to her during love –making, is it while thinking about Jesus that he even develops the urge for sex?

I am glad I am not solo on that issue as she reponded she has often asked herself that question.

The plain truth is some persons have taken christianity too far; forgetting man is three dimensional; body, soul and spirit.

It is said that a lot of christians are dying because of spiritual starvation, the same rings true for those who are so consumed by the spiritual side that the physical is totally neglected.

The good bishop said many families are in shambles because the social aspect is non-existent; always too busy with church activities to go for a picnic or enjoy a movie.

There are some pastors who will say souls are dying so there’s no time to spare, not even to spend with the family, where the church actually begins.

It is often said that too much of one thing is no good. There must be balance in everything, even the Bible says, ‘Be not overly righteous’.

There are some Christians who are so spiritual that they take no thought of what they eat or drink saying ‘bless and eat amen’.

While praying before eating and drinking is recommended, no time is dedicated to preparing a well balanced meal.

People ‘stuff’ themselves with every and anything saying God will protect them. No wonder the Bible says, ” My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.”

One very popular preacher lost his wife because she accused him of spending too much time with church business.

He was man enough to admit that his mate of many years was right, unlike some lesser known men who would brand their wives as being carnal. This week is being celebrated as family week, so perhaps the icebergs that have been built up overtime could well be melted with application of the good
