We, children of God, know that our God does as He wills. He gives unemployed everyone plenty evidence to believe in Him. Therefore, as Christians, never doubt God’s desire or ability to help you. In other words, in your prayer to God, do not instruct God in the way He should go. Remember, the way and manner God executes His plans in our lives differ. He may decide to grant your request or He may decide to delay His response for reasons well known to him.
 Prophet TB Joshua
There universities and there is University. In the University of God,
  1. No matter how brilliant you may be given double promotion.
  2. You have to take every course because each course serves purpose.
  3. God corrects those who love and His correction is for good because God is good all the time.

1. No attributes of God is as recommended as His goodness. This will usher us to the message titled:

2 Corinthians 12:7-10- Here it is true that Apostle Paul’s challenges were so great, but the most important thing is that he knew that his challenge – the thorns in his flesh – were to correct him from being proud or conceited. That was he was no offended. That was why he did not see God in a bad light because he knew a time of testing is the time to strengthen one’s relationship with God.  Apostle Paul did not give up. Instead he was encouraged that God loved him enough to correct him.
He saw his challenges as a reason of believing God just as he saw his good times as reason for believing God as well. That was why he went to God three times. Each time the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you.” He did not give up. He saw his challenges – the thorn in his flesh – as reason for believing God just as he did good times.

As a Christian, what are your challenges? Your challenges could be
  1. Sickness,
  2. Poverty,
  3. Hardship,
  4. Backwardness, and
  5. Limitation in progress or any foolish thing.

Whatever your challenge are as a Christian, are a way of correction. Therefore, don’t give up when God corrects you.  Be encouraged that God loves you enough to correct you.
  1. It may be to reform you for a better position in God,
  2. It my be to prepare you for a new level in life,
  3. It may be to strengthen you desire for Christ,
  4. It may be to keep you for redemption;
  5. It may be to stop you as while because you are going too far.

1. The more the correction, the more the greatness. In other words, as a Christian, no matter what you are passing through, if it allowed by God as trial, you must not think it strange and doubt your Guard.

Remember; when you give the control of your life to God,
1. He will give you a new heart,
2. He will a new nature and
3. He will a new desire to please him
As a Child of God, one thing is clear, whatever your challenges are, they are not like others’. Others’ challenges are meant to destroy then but yours as Christian is meant to improve you for the glory of God. Therefore, as a Christian, see your challenges as reason for believing God as well – when money is your pocket when food is on the table.

  1. Our God gives good health when we are sick,
  2. Gives blessing when we are poor,
  3. Gives freedom where we are in bondage;
  4. Our God makes a way where there seems to be no way.

What are you being corrected from?
What is that situation?

Honor God in that situation just you honor Him in good times.

  1. In our spiritual walk with the Lord, there are good and hard times alike,
  2. In both hard and good, Jesus Christ must be honoured
  3. Our God is good all the time and all the time is good
  4. Don’t cut off your dependence on Him all the time or
  5. Communication with Himm all the time, whatever the going is good or tough.

  1. Those who Christ designs to admit to the most intimate acquaintance with Him, He first makes sensible in order to appreciate howa underserving of His grace the ordinarily are.
  2. When you review God’s track record in your life, you will live to appreciate God all the time.

    Rulea Sanga
  1. Many things you have passed through, may passed through  them and they are no longer alive.
  2. Are you talking of many accidents God rescued you from? Even sickness that would have taken your life that GOD healed you of. Are you talking of false accusations, condemnation, name calling, slanderous remarks, insults, embarrassment and the like that God delivered you from? But because of what you do not have, keep complaining, “God give me this! Give me that!” and you forgot that God has have been with you so far. That is the trick that satan because he does no want  you to remember God’s past blessings in your life. He wants all your life. He wanta all your focus to be on the things we do not hav, without appreciation  God for what He has done for you and He will do it again and again anda again.

    Text Typed by Rulea Sanga (+255 715 85 15 23)
    Message from the  book of TB Joshua.

    I have got this book we I visted TB Joshua on April 2015 – SCOAN Synagogue, Lagos,  Nigeria


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