BOOK: Step Between You & Cure-TB Joshua

In John 5:6 it says, When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for long time, he asked him, “Do  you want to get well?”, Meaning, You can choose to get well or to remain in state.

God created a man and give him the right to life. Within that right was discretion – the power to choose your course of action. Without that discretion, life in meaningless.

For example, when we say somebody is arrested, we are saying that the right to choose what ti say, what to do and where to live, is lost. In fact, freedom is taken away from the person. When Jesus met the invalid at pool of Bethsdea, He obviously knew that this man was in great need of Comforter, of someone who would relieve him of pain of staying by the pool indefinitely. I mean, it might not be forever – the time was not known, as suggested by the invalid’s response.
In other words, he was expressing his fears that the situation might continue indefinitely unless someone is volunteered to help. This was his own way of telling Jesus, “Yes sir, I want to be healed”. Jesus understood this to mean a complete exercise of one’s will – I mean one’s discretion. Assume a man answers Jesus to the contrary; Jesus was ready to respect man’s right to his will, knowing that salvation, redemption, is not by force.

Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ foreknew the man’s situation and its cause before he asked him the question, “Do you want to get well?” To the ordinary ear, this question would sound unreasonable, considering the man, I mean the carnally minded, the question would portray Jesus as one was insensitive to the plight of others.

The question would portray Jesus as one who could not help but was just looking for His inadequacies. It was glaringly clear that the man needed help, so to ask such a question would have been quite provoking..

To the spiritually minded, Jesus’ question meant much more than meets the ordinary eye. In other words, He was asking the question not based on what is seen but no what is unseen – the cause of affliction. Jesus knew that if the man were to be healed indeed, He needed to strike at the root, which was was the cause of all pain.

“Sin is the disease of the soul. When it is suck, the soul is healed indeed”

Message from Prophet TB Joshua

Typed by Rulea Sanga (+255 715 85 15 23)
