TB Joshua Church Nigeria |

I have said it on Prime Time Discuss that for anybody to limit the cause of collapse of the building to foundation failure without addressing the mission of the aircraft at the premises amount intellectual laziness. Both Government and Nigeria media have been emotional in some ways in the manner they responded to the tragedy.
  1. The government official who spoke on channels and other media houses has concluded that the building collapsed as a result of structural defects even when no professional evaluation has been done, as for me that wasn’t good enough. A rescuer cannot do the work of professional.
  2. He made two contradictory statements in a spate of 24 hours. He initially said the building was originally two story converted to four storeys. The same person later on another TV interview said the building was originally 4 storey converted to six storey which of this statement do we believe?
  3. The government is laying too much emphasis on design and approval and nobody is seemed to be saying anything about the unusual presence of the plane. Even the Nigeria media down played the abnormal and suspicious manoeuvre of the aircraft. All they were after is to crucify T.B Joshua without waiting for outcome of the investigation.
  4. The size of the columns and beams I saw at the Church can hold even an 8 storey building. Possibly some over design just to make sure it was adequate to with stand likely induced stress.
  5. The Nigeria press rather than conduct investigative journalism continued to pour the venom on T.B Joshua as they have always done. Pertinent questions needs to be answered by NCAA and other agencies saddled with air traffic management. Salient questions needs answers;
    a) did the aircraft land at the airport?
    b). What was its mission?
    c) What did the people in the neighbourhood say about seen the Aircraft?
    d) What is the eyewitness account both at the mountain which is some ten kilometres away and at the Church?
  6. Those who gave account of the Aircraft said it was a Jet, not a commercial plane, it was moving slowly, at low noise, flew and manoeuvred above the building frontally across to the back as seen from clips to side of building where no one would see any dropping. The four times manoeuvre was possibly to ascertain a good location to drop any device. The ground columns at the back were systematically knocked off by what could possibly be explosives owning to enormous dust which could also be from nano destructive effect. When you knock off about 15% of columns in a building the building could be subjected to sudden failure as seen on the clips. The manner the entire floor slabs collapsed together is not possible in a building that was originally 2 or 4 storey and later changed to 6 as claimed by the government. We expect some of the columns to stand and retain the floor slabs. In the synagogue case only two possibilities
  7.  Controlled demolition by improvised means the kind of manoeuvre and presence of aircraft seriously suggest the aircraft dropped something. It is also important for us to know that a device can be triggered even at a distance of 100km away irrespective of interference.
Ref: 9/11 attack on world trade centre alternative view controlled demolition of high rise building
