It was another moment to celebrate God’s majesty over all the earth during The SCOAN Sunday service of September 18, 2016. Congregants sang and danced along with the beautiful soul-lifting songs of the choir. Every minute echoed the glory of His name in the lives of His children who have not stopped praising Him, in spite of the harsh economic realities facing the world. The testimonies and prayers reassured Christians that, in Christ Jesus, there is hope everlasting.

Congregants went into sober reflection when Evangelist Frank delivered his message titled CHARACTER IS MORE IMPORTANT. According to him, “Only your character can testify to your confession of Christ, not your gift. A Christian’s life comes from Christ Himself. Jesus Christ is the Word of God and God’s Word reflects His character. Great men are those who mirror Jesus Christ because His character is the foundation of everything great. The problem today is that many are after gift but few are after character.”Continuing, he posited that, “As a Christian, you need to be humiliated. Prophet T.B. Joshua says that man will continue to hide his true character until his pride is injured. As a Christian, when you are humiliated by foolish things such as sickness, poverty, disrespect and the like, don’t think it strange and begin to act out of character – keep calm and be determined.”

Concluding, he left the following advice for those who think that their lives are irredeemable because of sin: “Broken things become useful in the hands of God. Following Jesus is not difficult once you realize that all He is asking from us is our goodness. Humans misjudge character because they value people by their gifts and outward appearance but the Lord values only the holy faith, fear, love and the fruit of the Spirit, which are planted in the heart – beyond any human discernment. This is why character is more important.”